Clear Quartz Bracelet (Sphatik)


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Sphatik Quartz Bracelet
Clear Quartz Bracelet (Sphatik) 799.00
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clear quartz bracelet benefits
  • Wearing a clear quartz bracelet awakens the intellect and promotes awareness and personal growth.
  • It has been demonstrated that the healing energy of this clear quartz bracelet strengthens its wearer’s aura. You can benefit from spiritual guidance, spiritual development, and purifying energy that helps align all your chakras.
  • Clear quartz stone represents clarity of mind and spirit, helping users see situations more clearly and objectively. Sphatik quartz symbolizes energy, and it also helps people focus on tasks. 
  • Wearing the bracelet of Sphatik quartz stone helps improve concentration and calms the mind and body. It also enhances thinking, acceptance, and awareness, which improves your perspective of the outside world. This stone also cools the wearer’s body temperature and relieves tension and stress.
  • Clear crystal quartz can work with all the chakras due to its amazing capacity to magnify energy and vibrate in different color frequencies. It incorporates healing properties and is used for chakra balancing. 
  • Keeping a clear quartz stone in the form of jewelry helps eliminate negativity and purify the environment. You can improve your intuitive power by adorning the Sphatik quartz bracelet. This bracelet can also be an excellent tool for manifestation and healing procedures.
  • You can access your highest levels of consciousness by using its association with your crown chakra. It aids in fostering clarity of mind.
  • Clear quartz bracelet can also cleanse and energize your food when placed inside the refrigerator or kitchen.
Clear Quartz Bracelet(Sphatik)

Are you ready to banish anger and fear from your life, and welcome a world of positive energy and emotional balance? Look no further than the Clear Quartz Bracelet!

This bracelet is not just jewelry; it holds memories that celebrate the beauty of relationships. It is a master healer as it is filled with powerful positive energies.

It draws out negative vibes and helps reduce anger, stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also amplify the effects and energies of other stones when placed close to it. 

This Clear Crystal Quartz bracelet balances and revitalizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes. Sphatik stone is marvelous when it comes to stimulating the immune system, balancing the entire body, kick-starting the metabolism, and detoxifying the body. The natural clear crystal stone is said to be a gift from Mother Earth.

Clear Quartz Bracelet Characteristics

Sphatik gemstone, also called “Clear crystal” or “Crystal quartz” is considered the “powerhouse” of energy and positivity. It is a beautiful transparent stone with luster, grace and smoothness used for religious attainment and peace for ages.

It absorbs, balances, and amplifies positive vibes while warding off negativity from your vicinity. In the realm of astrology, it is widely recommended for physical, spiritual, and mental peace.

A pure clear quartz stone is always white or colorless, but there are earthy varieties that offer numerous shades in these white stones, such as Blue, Brown, Pink, Red, Purple, Green, and Multicoloured.

As natural clear quartz stone is considered a gift from Earth, it is composed of oxygen and silicon or silicon dioxide. This crystal is widely known as a “Master Healer,” with several legendary cultures identifying it as the incarnation of the Divine power. This stone is associated with Venus.

Historically, people believed that Quartz clear stone was a living entity that communicated with healers to provide guidance. Sphatik is used as a substitute for the Diamond stone to appease the planet Venus.

Cleanse & Care Tips for Clear Quartz Bracelet

Clear quartz stone is one of the crystals that require regular cleaning, cleansing, and purification. It is also important to remember that before using your clear stones for healing, it is crucial to clean them because before reaching you, they have gone through many people’s hands and energies during their making process.

You should regularly cleanse and recharge your Clear quartz bracelet, more frequently when you are going through a challenging phase in your life or if many people come in contact with the crystal bracelet.

To cleanse your clear stone bracelet, you can either hold the bracelet under your tap or use naturally flowing water from a spring, stream, or river. You can also visualize the water washing away all the negative energy from the bracelet.

Another way to cleanse this bracelet is to bury it in the ground for a night and let Mother Earth soak up all the negative energy from the quartz bracelet. While doing this, you can also set an intention and ask Mother Earth to cleanse the crystal and convert the negative energy into positive energy.

You can directly expose the bracelet to moonlight to cleanse and recharge the crystal. But avoid leaving your crystal bracelet in the sun for extended periods because this can damage the crystal of the bracelet. Transparent crystals should generally be kept out of direct sunlight exposure to preserve their brilliance.

Sphatik quartz stone has many advantages, but it is particularly good at encouraging tranquility, efficiency, and creativity at work, at the office, and during meditation. This is a wonderful crystal bracelet to have in your crystal bracelet collection.

Additional information

Weight 300 g
Dimensions 14 × 14 × 7 cm


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